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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

Our Rehab Team

Our patients are looked after by a highly skilled multidisciplinary team of clinicians including physiotherapists, occupational therapists and clinical psychologists. They specialise in the rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries, brain trauma, stroke, and other neurological conditions.

Support from staff during virtual reality therapy
Walking with bionic aid
Staff training on equipment

Physical Therapy

Whether spinal injuries, neurological issues, or complex disabilities, so many conditions can bring movement, or function loss.

Physiotherapy is used after an injury, or surgery to help with recovery, although our patients often require more. Needs which arise from a severe cause should be treated with specialist knowledge.

Our physiotherapists are highly experienced in supporting people affected by stroke, spinal damage, or neurological conditions. They also share their knowledge with each other to find the best approach.

Alongside advanced physiotherapy skills, they have expertise in using technologies to support recovery, including exoskeletons, anti-gravity therapy and laser therapy.

Our physiotherapists’ natural ability to bond with their patients is equally important. Our rehabilitation centre is consultant led and we are able to call on other medical specialists. This is part of making sure our patients receive integrated medical, therapeutic and nursing care.

Occupational Therapy

All of us wish to be as independent as possible, in daily activities, or other aspects of life, work and play. This is a natural human trait, which our occupational therapists help with.

Life skills can be forgotten due to stroke, or brain injury, or be impossible to approach in the previous way due to physical change.

This does not mean they are unachievable and our team work with you to find solutions. They use their knowledge and empathy, to help restore quality of life.

There is an on-site kitchen and other facilities, to bring reality to our patients’ experience. Technological aids can help to improve movement, or to learn afresh.

Above all, our team members offer patience when needed and a natural spirit which removes barriers. They share the pleasure in tasks becoming normality once more.

Occupational therapy in training kitchen
Personal care at adjustable table
Conversation between two patients

Progress comes from working together

Clinical Psychology

Our clinical psychologist works with patients who need psychological support including those who have suffered from stroke, brain injuries and trauma.

With a speciality in neuropsychology and neurorehabilitation our consultant supports patients on their journey to recover normal function and restore quality of life.

Treatment involves a holistic, person centred approach and our consultant supports each patient in response to their individual needs.

An Inspiring Atmosphere

The Royal Bucks welcomes patients who have experienced life changing events, bringing challenging needs. Our team chooses to work here because they are committed to your goals as much as ours.

You will never hear them say a case is too difficult, only that they need to come together to find an effective solution.

Alongside our dedicated team our centre has seen substantial investment in facilities and technology contributing to the success of every patient’s rehabilitation.

Our patients’ recovery is ultimately driven by those they work with every day. We are proud of our team and all they achieve.

Patient using Alter-G anti gravity treadmill
Swimming in the Royal Bucks hydrotherapy pool

Join Our Team

If you share our dedication to patients, you are welcome to visit our careers page, for opportunities in clinical and non-clinical roles.

Our Facilities

Our patients and the people who care for them deserve the finest facilities, to ensure effective rehabilitation.

Main entrance at Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital

An adjacent hospital

The Royal Bucks rehabilitation centre is separate, although having our hospital in the same building can be helpful. A state of the art facility, with around 60 consultants covering every aspect of medicine.

Technology assisted movement

Advanced technology

Our centre is amongst the best equipped in Europe, with an anti-gravity facility based on NASA designs, varying types of exoskeleton, laser therapy and high tech aids for neurological rehabilitation.

Physio and patient in hydrotherapy pool

Hydrotherapy pool

An 8.5 metre pool heated to 34 centigrade, with resistance jets for exercise and a jet massage. The pool provides accessibility for all, with slides and hoists built in and is supported by experienced staff .

Physiotherapist supporting patient

Skilled Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is recognised for the value this is able to bring after trauma, or surgery. Where longer term conditions apply, our physios are leaders in the field and play an important role in recovery.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800