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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

Exoskeleton Therapy

Advanced robotics, to turn weakness, or paralysis into natural, fully weight bearing movement.

Exoskeleton therapy with staff support

Individual Solutions

Two types of what are often known as bionic suits are available at our centre. The Ekso GT, which offers full body support and the Indego, which as you see in the video, extends to waist height.

Both will empower patients to regain mobility and can help them to learn how to stand, or walk again, without robotic assistance.

An initial assessment will help us to see whether exoskeleton therapy is likely to benefit you. Along with which type is best for your condition and whether adding other forms of therapy would improve progress.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800