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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

Seating & Mobility

To establish the most effective options for seating during activity, or to provide seated mobility.

Wheelchair user taking part in Tyromotion therapy
Practicing cookery on hob
Food to practice cookery

Maximising Opportunity

Rehabilitation can bring benefits to your body and psychologically, without always restoring the ability to walk to a significant extent, or at all.

This is most often seen in serious spinal injuries, although can apply to other trauma, or a range of neurological conditions.

Building the future for our inpatients, or outpatients includes finding solutions to allow them to regain much of their life. Amongst this will be the ability to carry out tasks, or be independently mobile.

Initial and ongoing assessment helps identify seating requirements to maintain good posture, or meet pressure needs. The most effective choice for greater mobility can be found.

Seating and mobility support is about understanding how much can be achieved. Then finding the best options modern technology offers, to bring the desired outcome.

An Individual Process

Our support may be an integral part of residential therapy, or you could be attending one of our regular seating & mobility clinics.

Alongside medical details, we gather personal information, such as your height, weight, hip and leg length, your activities. Each is part of refining how we can help with:

  • Planning seating for work & other activity.
  • Tailored support via occupational therapy.
  • Selecting a wheelchair, or standing aids.

Understanding your circumstances and routines will matter. There can be times where we would visit your home, or workplace, to ensure individual needs are fully understood.

Specialist tools can be used to analyse pressure points. Hand drawings, or computer software helps with understanding your seated posture.

Personal care at adjustable table

Adaptive furniture adds support

Conversation from wheelchair
Supported walking equipment

Sourcing Solutions

Through outpatient visits, or when you are staying with us, the information provided will help to determine the best size of seating, or standing facilities, or a wheelchair.

This may include powered chairs, those offering all terrain access, or sports wheelchairs. Standing aids can vary, from fixed resources, to types of exoskeleton.

Our centre has a notable selection in house, along with ways we can simulate the types of movement you want to be available. Exploring other possibilities is still quite normal.

If we don’t have the best equipment for you, we will try to source this from reliable suppliers as soon as we can, for a trial.

Our recommendations are based on science and experience but the equipment is yours. Being confident that you have made the right choices helps to build good outcomes.

In Depth Support

When you have been assessed, a detailed written report is supplied. For you to study, or share with outside agencies if you wish.

Should occupational therapy be a sound move, this can be provided by our professional team. If physiotherapy would help, the same direct support is available.

Our seating and mobility service is there to maximise your recovery and independence. Allowing so much of life to continue, in a professional, personal, or social sense.

The events, or medical conditons which brought a need for change will not have been welcome. So much can still be overcome through experience and the right equipment.

Any help you need with this now, or in the future is available from our team. Delivered with a focus on all that can be achieved, for each unique individual they assist.

Occupational therapy in training kitchen

Discussing your needs helps

Our Facilities

Our patients and the people who care for them deserve the finest facilities, to ensure effective rehabilitation.

Technician studying head scans on screen

An adjacent hospital

The Royal Bucks rehabilitation centre is separate, although having our hospital in the same building can be helpful. A state of the art facility, with around 60 consultants covering every aspect of medicine.

Exercise session on RT300 therapy machine

Advanced technology

Our centre is amongst the best equipped in Europe, with an anti-gravity facility based on NASA designs, varying types of exoskeleton, laser therapy and high tech aids for neurological rehabilitation.

Physio and patient in hydrotherapy pool

Hydrotherapy pool

An 8.5 metre pool heated to 34 centigrade, with resistance jets for exercise and a jet massage. The pool provides accessibility for all, with slides and hoists built in and is supported by experienced staff .

Physiotherapist supporting patient

Skilled Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is recognised for the value this is able to bring after trauma, or surgery. Where longer term conditions apply, our physios are leaders in the field and play an important role in recovery.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800

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Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800